
Ultrasonic Solutions for Packaging

Large Volumes, High Standards

La nostra tecnologia a ultrasuoni è il modo più flessibile, pulito e ripetibile per soddisfare le diverse necessità di confezionamento sia per il taglio sia per la saldatura.

Depending on the field and on the requests, we study automatic or manual solutions that guarantee an high level of productivity at highest cycle. Thanks to these processes we can obtain absolutely hermetic and safe welding. With our ultrasonic systems you can monitor all of the welding parameters with software, eliminating errors, deviations and all types of problem.

In particular, our solutions for food & beverage and cosmetics do not alter the content at all and are validated by market leading brands with very high hygiene, aesthetic and production standards.

The Sonomax team is available to support you in every process of the application, from the prototype stages and the developement to the production.
Contact us to explain your needs!

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